From May 6h to September 24th 2022 in Augsburg at STATE TEXTILE AND INDUSTRY MUSEUM (TIM)
> 3D PATTERNS - Inspired by and translated into Textile <

‘In times of digitization, the technologies allowing to ‘draw’ in a 3dimensional space are powerful tools,
but can in comparison, not replace the tactile experience, visual depth
and educational potential of the physical sample.'

Photo Gallery from PResse Augsburg - see FULL Gallery under the link above
INSPIRATION: Photography by Marc Goodwin, Silk Wall architecture - Archi-Union Architects, Shanghai
INSPIRATION: Photography by Marc Goodwin, Silk Wall architecture - Archi-Union Architects, Shanghai
Inspired by images of tHE bUILDING “silk wall” in Shanghai, I tested '3d' patterns on a TC2 jacquard loom.
Woven Design on TC2 Jacquard loom 2018, Vancouver
Woven Design on TC2 Jacquard loom 2018, Vancouver
Fascinated by the result, I continued to explore digital 3D ideas with the help of Hannes Krieger, a visual effects artist. he trANSLATED mY dESIGN iDEAS USING THE sOFTWARE hOUDINI (video). I translated the rESULT in Adobe Photoshop and finalized them into artwork producible on dIFFERENT industrial KNitting machines.

The exhibited pieces and visuals allow viewers to follow the process from (textile) inspiration to digital creation and transformation back to tangible surfaces, Learning about Weaving and Knitting Techniques and uNDERSTANDING different MaTERIAL & yARN gaUGE.
"Grid Surface Digital Textiledesign" made in Houdini & Adobe Photoshop
"Grid Surface Digital Textiledesign" made in Houdini & Adobe Photoshop
Close-up "3D Grid Surface” Single Jersey
Close-up "3D Grid Surface” Single Jersey
Close-up "3D Grid Surface” Filled Double Jersey
Close-up "3D Grid Surface” Filled Double Jersey

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